in developing the potential of your child and providing them life skills that will lead them to become successfulhappyfuture proof
Did you know?
of your children will be working in jobs that do not yet exist?
Everything that you know now will not be relevant for you to pass down to your child. What will you do to help them succeed?
Your child is guaranteed to fail, be stressed and feel unhappy.
Failure and sadness cannot be avoided. Infact, failure is essential to lead your child into success. It is time to teach our children to lean into failures and negative emotions so they know how to face it in the future.
There has been a 40% increase of mental health cases in children over the recent years.
The critical time for social and emotional development is in the early years. Failure to do so will significantly impact their ability to create and sustain meaningful relationships which will lead to mental health issues.
Parenting : You only get 1 chance to get it right!